Savings Plus
As a Georgia Farm Bureau member, you now have access to over 300,000 discount offers from local, regional and national brands. Through our Georgia Farm Bureau Savings Plus, you can save using our convenient mobile app or through our dedicated savings website. All of the discounts you’ll find in our Savings Plus program are our way of showing appreciation to you, our valued member.
Download the GFB Savings Plus app today for iPhone or Android!
You can save on thousands of hotels, restaurants, movie tickets, retailers, florists, theme parks, national attractions, concerts, and events! You can even turn on notifications to be alerted to nearby savings opportunities while you travel. Start saving today!
To use our dedicated Savings Plus website instead of the app, simply log in here
For additional information, please contact your local County Farm Bureau, call Member Services at 800-633-5432 (option 1) or send an email to